Buy Pier Review as a present for Xmas and get a bunch of free gifts for yourself…

Christmas by the coast is surprisingly good for the soul. Seasonal decorations fill the gaps left by the off season and the constant presence of a crashing sea reminding you of a pernicious uncaring god makes you hug a little tighter, drink a little quicker, and dance a little longer.

The scandiwegiegns may have invented ‘hygge’ as a concept for the warm coziness and drowsy contentment of being warm inside while the winter smashes around you, but I live on the heroin coast and in the prescription painkiller capital of England – we really made it our own.

And speaking of Dionysian adventure and melancholic longing for summers past – Pier Review makes an excellent Christmas gift. Here’s what some internet strangers are saying about it


I thoroughly enjoyed this book, in a nutshell, it’s a total nostalgia-fest for anyone who ever had a seaside holiday – or day trip – to an English or Welsh resort, but it is also so much more… I loved Pier Review too. Definitely recommended.

If Britpop took an ironic view at what it meant to be English, then Pier Review brings the actual love. For sheer warmth and verve (for a curious subject), Pier Review is a great, humour-filled read

 Books like these remind us that there are merits to keeping our heritage alive… and offer laugh out loud moments aplenty. 5 Stars for this one.

Sorry but I found this book extremely puerile and would not have bought it, had I realised the bad language in it.

A book makes for a perfect gift, and a book you have read yourself shows you care and think of them often. To sweeten the deal, and perhaps ease the pain of buying a book you already own: if you send us a receipt or screenshot showing that you bought our little book in the run up to Christmas we will send you a whole bunch of free stuff. Stuff like:

pr_dvdextrascoverPier Review ‘DVD extras’ ebook: the bits we reluctantly cut from the book, mainly for because we wrote a book each and mashed them together. Plus some behind the scenes footage and bonus swearing…




unnamedGuttermouth: Novelty Trinkets From The Edge And Beyond ebook: Five years of foul mouth observation and booze-fuelled nihilism by Danny. A collection of a confused man trying to find meaning in a world I abandoned as rational a long time before.

The best of a full half a decade of blog posts, magazine articles, interviews reviews and columns. Guttermouth is a meaty 47,000 word e-book, a resignation letter to reality, and possibly future evidence for the prosecution.

popandcoverPop and Politics ebook –  No embarrassment, no excuses, just mix of pop and politics, written by Jon over the last couple of years. Includes interviews with the Lilac Time’s Stephen Duffy, Peter Hook, David Shrigley and MP Tom Watson.



unnamed-1Concrete and Cocktails: a journey to Birmingham’s glitter-stained independent heart ebook: Danny and Jon’s sort of prequel to Pier Review, where they journeyed around just the pubs of their home town. Can you drink in all of Birmingham’s independent hostelries in one day? Yes of course, although it might not be sensible. An unchained psychogeographic adventure.


An actual postcard, if you send us your address.

Maybe a badge if you’re on the ‘nice’ list.

Maybe some other stuff we find lying around our hard drives.

Offer applies til the end of December only.

Send receipts or screen caps to – or Tweet us a pic @pierreview and we’ll ping you with download links.

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