Face in the hole
You stick your head through and get a photo taken, if there’s one thing that’s everywhere at the seaside it the sea. But also these. But they don’t have a proper name. A few questions on the internet and a bit of googling and we got a few options: Aunt Sally board, face in the hole board, character board, peep through board, cut-outs (which can’t work), and even the French word ‘tintamarresque’.
The French have a word for it, and we don’t: it’s an insult to our national character.
So, what should we do? Settle on one, pinch the French?
Competing names for things you stick your head through and take a photo, we need to agree and stick to one. Vote now
— Pier Review (@PierReview) January 15, 2016
If Pier Review can do one thing, it should do this service to the English language.