Hair update

Midge has just shaved his head, he said he was “looking like a hippy” after a week of growth.

Danny’s is looking greased and very rocker, he alternates between shaking it loose near the coast and tying back in the car.

Mine is looking fantastic, I would normally spend ten minutes on it in the morning: wash, condition, style and add sea-salt spray. That has not been necessary this week—I calculate moving to the coast could save me some £20 a year in sea-salt spray. That and spending about six hours a day in a car with access to the mirror in the sun visor, which is just for checking your hair, has led my Barnett to look fantastic.

Jon was voted the ‘14th Most Influential Person in the West Midlands’ in 2008. Subsequently he has not been placed. He’s been a football referee, venetian blind maker, cellar man, and a losing Labour council candidate: “No, no chance. A complete no-hoper” said a spoilt ballot. Jon wrote and directed the first ever piece of drama performed on Twitter when he persuaded a cast including MPs and journalists to give over their timelines to perform Twitpanto. But all that is behind him.